This documentary video tells us about the 5G technology, how it was formed and how it works. 5G technology is not really that good as per the experts. Watch and find out for your self. Scientists and other experts wonder if 5G is really worth it. The speed won’t increase by much. They ask, “Aren’t the speeds fast enough now? Are the things that we currently can’t do with 4G speeds?” the answer to these questions is no. Increased speeds of a couple of nanoseconds certainly aren’t worth the risks. Because there is no scientific evidence as of yet that 5G can be hazardous to our health, there is no way to stop it from rolling out all over the world. Those who are against 5G worry that it will take a worldwide illness epidemic for people to stand up and listen to the dangers. They worry that by then, it will be too late and the damage will have been done. Most experts agree that a slighter faster connection isn’t worth the consequences that we will suffer from in the future. (Factsverse)


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