Watch and enjoy the hit drama series “Meray Pass Tum Ho” broadcasted by ARY digital. This drama is based on the story of a young man who loved his wife deeply but his wife betrays him for the sake of money and gets involved in an affair with a multi-millionaire who then uses her and deceives her. Watch the whole drama for exciting fun and suspense-filled story with intense emotional moments. Following Information has been taken from the Wikipedia the great encyclopedia:

Meray Paas Tum Ho (Urduمیرے پاس تم ہو‎) (EnglishI have you) is a 2019 Pakistani romantic-drama television series that ended on 25 January 2020, produced by Humayun Saeed and Shahzad Nasib under their production banner Six Sigma Plus. It is directed by Nadeem Baig and written by Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar. It features Humayun SaeedAyeza Khan, and Adnan Siddiqui in lead roles. The serial aired on ARY Digital on 17 August 2019.[1][2][3][4]

Mere Paas Tum Ho has created many rating records. Its Episode 1 and 3 got 10.9 TRPs[5] and 15.5 TRPs.[6] Episode 1 and 16 got 23.9 and 22.6 TRPs and episode 17 and 22 got 24.9 and 26.2 TRPs.[7][8][9].[10]

Watch the fifth episode of the drama and have fun enjoying it. If you liked our blog post then give it a thumbs up and if you did not then comment down your views in the comments box below. We suggest using a translator to all those who do not know the national language of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as the drama series is in the Urdu language. Subscribe to our website One Web One Hub to avail amazing discounts at our associated services.

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